Selasa, 15 Juli 2014

tulisan akuntansi dalam bahasa inggris

Tugas softskill bahasa Inggris

Nama               : Bowo Mujur Sipahutar
NPM               : 21211529
Kelas               : 3eb04

            Our study contributes to the accounting and economics literature by shedding light on the informativeness of accounting earnings for GDP growth. We show that aggregate accounting earnings growth is a leading indicator of future GDP growth, especially for the one-quarter-ahead forecast horizon. However, professional macro forecasters do not fully incorporate aggregate accounting earnings growth when forecasting GDP growth. As a result, future GDP growth forecast errors are predictable based on accounting earnings data that are available to professional macro forecasters in real time. A direction for additional research is to aggregate accounting data in a cost-effective way and identify which accounting data are more useful for macro forecasting. A related direction for additional research is to probe the link between aggregate accounting data, subsequent GDP growth, revisions of GDP growth forecasts, and stock valuation. In follow-up studies, we investigate these directions.